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ASH Preparatory (Grades 5-7)

During the Preparatory years, the interaction of students with teachers and peers facilitates learning, and students experience a variety of school and community environments in an atmosphere of mutual trust.  Prep students thrive in a community that is flexible, people-centered, expansive, and satisfying to all involved.

Our faculty members are trained experts in working with middle school-aged girls.  Guided by the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Education, we implement a program that meets the spiritual, academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of students during these years of rapid growth and change.

The challenging curriculum lays a firm foundation for upper school and beyond by helpings students to strengthen their basic skills while thinking in an increasingly abstract manner and mastering more specialized content.  Students grow personally through leadership opportunities and service opportunities and they follow a schedule of departmentalized and interdisciplinary classes that are taught by faculty with specialization in the subject areas.

Preparatory School (Grades 5-7)

Preparatory Administration

angela hymel                                    division head

lauren lafosse                              dean of students

charlotte lahaye,    Ed.D, NBCT         
curriculum coordinator

Coastal Roots

As good stewards of our Earth, Prep and Primary students work together on their LSU Coast Roots project.  Each year, they grow indigenous trees from seeds to be later used to preserve our Louisiana coastline.  It's Goal III (Service and Stewardship) in action!

Global Challenge

During the final week of school, our Prep students participate in Global Challenge Week.  Participants in Global Challenge Week are immersed in student-centered, inquiry-based activities that provide rigorous and enriching experiences. During this time, the students create a project that engages them in investigations, research, and solutions that address some of the world’s ongoing problems with global health, hunger, water crisis, education and gender equality, social media as it pertains to global development, and microfinance loans.